Immaterial Studios is an interactive installation company that I created to display my major project. In collaboration with Audio Engineer and Lead Musician of 'Nujrah', Arjun Singh, we created an interactive installation that used projection mapping to create a visually stunning and intellectually stimulating experience. 
During the project, we spent three months creating presentations and writing a 4000-word prospectus. In the following three months, we learned how to use TouchDesigner—a node-based visual programming software—to help create the installation. We also set up user testing events and created reports to refine the project.
Throughout the six months, I managed the team through a Notion creative hub. The hub detailed all team meetings, Gantt charts, and work, as well as displaying all reports and other written material.
Creative Director
Project Type
Event Branding, Visual Identity and Visual Programming
6 Months
Event Collateral 

POV Video of Installation

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